This was an excellent article. Those who criticize you (A) didn’t go to law school and specialize in Constitutional Law, and write a number of scholarly articles in law review (I did), and (B) didn’t bother to actually look at facts and evidence. The recently-released Inspector General’s report made clear that there was a solid, objectively-verifiable, and reasonable basis for conducting the investigations into Trump’s campaign and the involvement of the Russians in interfering with the 2016 elections. After listening to Congressman Kevin McCarthy in an interview on Fox, I noted: “There are lies, damned lies, and Republicans being interviewed on Faux News.” McCarthy chose to lie and ignore both facts and reason, as did a couple of your readers, and to all of them I say: “The tides of history cannot be pushed back. Your time of prevarication is rapidly coming to an end, as is your chance to cling to the last vestiges of your power.”
Republicans can’t fight fair, so they fight foul. And yes, even Richard M. Nixon, that most despicable President before Trump, could not support Trump. Nixon was a crook, unquestionably, and was a troubled alcoholic, too, but he was smart and had purposes outside of himself which he pursued. Compare that ethos with that of “Pinocchio” Trump, whose lies are legend and psychosis profound.
The American people know who and what Trump is, and he will go down in flames next year.