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The Hare Psychopathy Checklist
In the test, a clinician interviews a potential sociopath and scores them on 20 criteria, such as “promiscuous sexual behavior” or “impulsivity.” On each criterion, the subject is ranked on a 3-point scale: (0 = item does not apply, 1= item applies somewhat, 2 = item definitely applies). The scores are summed to create a rank of zero to 40. Anyone who scores 30 and above is probably a psycho.
1. Do you have “excess glibness” or superficial charm?
(Answer: For sociopaths, the answer to this question is yes.)
2. Do you have a grandiose sense of self-worth?
(Psychopaths do.)
3. Do you have an excess need for stimulation or proneness to boredom?
(Psychopaths can’t endure periods of the doldrums.)
4. Are you a pathological liar?
(Psychopaths don’t care about the truth.)
5. Are you cunning or manipulative?
(Psychopaths often believe they can pull the strings of the dupes around them.)
6. Do you display a lack of remorse or guilt?
(Psychopaths don’t feel bad when they do bad things.)
7. Do you have “shallow affect?”
(Psychopaths show a lack of emotions when an emotional reaction is…