Member-only story
Project Management: Tools for Leadership During the Coronavirus Pandemic
In any aspect of life, when there is a significant project — -a sales or organizational objective or a crisis, for that matter — -two components are necessary: leadership and project management skills.
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. — — Dwight D. Eisenhower
There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia. — — Kurt Vonnegut
An important part of leadership is being able to hold two things in your mind at once: Dealing with the reality, whatever it may be, and focus on hope for the future. Any leader helping an organization through challenges needs to be able to do both. — — Alan Mulally
The year 2020 is the fulfillment of the old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” Since January 1, 2020, these have definitely been “interesting times,” both here and abroad.