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Post-Acquittal Trump
Where Does Trump Go From Here?
Twice impeached, twice acquitted, Donald J. Trump dodged bullets twice in connection with his Presidency. Now that he’s out of office, and can no longer claim the protection of being a sitting president, what lies in store for him?
First, we have to realize that Trump absolutely lacks any sense of shame or a moral anchor. His megalomania and his extreme form of narcissistic personality disorder make clear that he only cares about himself. Having lived in a childhood with an emotionally-absent mother and a psychologically-abusive father, Trump was trained from birth to be an unaccountable, lying, sniveling rich brat, one whose character deficiencies have continued to worsen with age. Nothing he does will benefit America.
Secondly, a very large group of supporters, Trump’s so-called “base,” have been duped into following his cult of personality so that Trumpism almost has a theological tincture to it. His views of what it takes to “Make America Great” are repugnant to anyone with an ounce of decency, common humanity, and reason to their name.
Those of us on the progressive side of the political spectrum hoped that he would be convicted in his second impeachment trial. Not surprisingly, the 43 cowardly Republicans — accomplices — who voted to acquit Trump will have permanent stains…