Many liberals quarrel with the choice of Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren on the basis of lack of electability. They say that we need candidates who are willing to “make concessions.” What they overlook in their ignorance of history is that the people making the concessions simply lose the elections. I point that out in my Amazon-published book, The ‘Plenty’ Book: the Answer to the Question “What Can I do to Make This a Better World?”
In looking at the disciplined Republican approach since 1968, they filled the local school boards, town councils, and county government offices with their kind. They crafted power bases on the local level, where they had the most influence, and then they escalated their power into the state Assembly, the state Senate, and the Governor’s Mansion. From there, they went to the House of Representatives and the Senate. Oh, they also elected a bunch of Presidents, too.
What has been consistent throughout the last 52 years or so has been the fact that liberals have “played nice” and have been ripped apart at the polls. The Republicans can’t fight fair, so they fight foul. Their tactics came from the Nixon campaign and the dirty tricks of “Tricky Dick” and his array of unindicted co-conspirators continue in full force to this day, especially under the aegis of Senator “Moscow Mitch” McConnell.
So, your point is well-made and well-taken. If we’re going to die, let’s do so on our feet, fighting for our rights as human beings, rather than being forced to our knees, where we are coddled with reality TV and all sorts of distractions that prevent us from holding our officials accountable to us.
And we will be very pleasantly surprised when Bernie Sanders becomes the 46th President of the United States and leads America back to its position as a country worthy of respect, one which respects and treats other countries with dignity and compassion. At that point, we will have reason to be proud to be Americans.