In many places, people advertise for their “soul mate,” while others — perhaps a little more knowledgeable about such matters — seek their “twin flame.”While the two share many spiritual and karmic qualities, there are important differences.
What is a Twin Flame?
Twin flames can be thought of as twin souls, and are literally the other half of our soul. We each have only one twin, and we were created in the Beginning with two aspects to our unique twin identity: one with a masculine, positive energy (Yang) and one with a feminine, negative energy (Yin). Long ago, we volunteered to undertake a mission, which was to incarnate in human form to bring Divine Love to the material plane on earth and to manifest that Love throughout many lifetimes, alternating between the Yang and Yin energies, until we learned how to balance those energies and become perfect instruments of the Eternal Spirit whence we came, so we could ascend together and return to that Spirit once our mission was completed.
At first, the Twin Flames were in a state of bliss, even though they were now inhabiting separate physical bodies. However, with separation came Ego — and, with it, a whole host of problems: arrogance, fear, mistrust, loss of conscious connection to the Eternal Spirit. Over time, these traits caused us to create negative karma through confused, complicated, conflicting relationships over many lifetimes. But even through mutual neglect and inattentiveness, there was always a Golden Thread connecting us to our Twin Flame, and on some level even in the deepest, darkest depths of our Soul we were aware of our Twin Flame — and knew that we just had to reconnect sooner or later.
Each twin is a complete soul, not half a soul. Their task is to become more authentic, more integrated, more whole, balancing their female and male polarities, and, ideally, become enlightened, before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole beings, not two halves. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be “practice”for the twin, the ultimate relationship. In his book, The Center of the Cyclone, Dr. John Lily described the first meeting with his Twin Flame, Antonia, this way:
John: Where have you been for the last 500 years?
Antonia: In training.
A perfect Twin Flame answer….
How Will You Know You’ve Met Your Twin Flame?
There may be deep love, deep affection, between soul mates. They may share much on the physical, emotional, psychological, and the spiritual levels. They may feel deeply about each other — -but they are not ONE. They are two separate entities. To be ONE, you have to be part of a Twin Flame relationship.
Twin Flames
Unlike soul mates, Twin Flames are not “two peas in a pod,” but are two halves that make one whole. Twin flames are, spiritually speaking, two manifestations one divine Spark, two parts of one pure, bright white light of Spirit. Like the twins who were conceived in one egg, Twin Flames were born of the same Spiritual Mother and Father.
Twin Flames are so close that they rarely meet on the material plane. When they do meet, it is usually to finish up a mighty work before returning to the First Principal.
Twin Flames have a love for one another that is eternal, perpetually-abiding. Each Twin is a whole, complete spirit and is the twin of the other. In order to be truly a Twin Flame, you must be whole, you must be complete, you must be strong, beautiful, magnificent, in order to attract and keep your Twin.
And because he or she is your Twin, you owe it to him/her to be whole and not trapped in dependency relationships, because otherwise you will just maintain the cycle of karma all over again and create more misery for one another. But, ironically enough, when you learn to be truly “whole,” capable of living independently and taking responsibility for your life and your spiritual growth and development, that is the point when you will attract your Twin Flame and enjoy a great love and sense of fulfillment that cannot be experienced anywhere else, except in a….
….Twin Flame Encounter.