I respectfully beg to differ. Please see "Poisoned Power" by Drs. John Goffman and Arthur Tamplin. Statistically, it may be true that radioactive waste has fewer instances of exposure to the biospere, but the magnitude of harm from a widespread leak would be catastrophic, with the potential to cause millions of deaths and hundreds of millions of illnesses, not to mention the need to shift millions of people outside of the radiation zone.

So, while I generally agree with most of what you write, I would never blithely say that we have "mastered handling nuclear waste." This nuclear detritus has a half-life of a quarter million years, longer than humans have been on Earth, and we don't have a good track record of protecting the environment from our waste for more than a few decades, let alone hundreds of millennia.

Stephen P. Watkins
Stephen P. Watkins

Written by Stephen P. Watkins

Top Writer in Politics. Author of “The ‘Plenty’ Book — the Answer to the Question: What Can I do to Make This a Better World?,” available on Amazon.com

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