Apropos of America's reaction to the coronavirus, several characteristics of Americans come to light. (These are generalizations, of course, but in every generalization there is usually a large kernel of truth.)
1. Lack of leadership. President Trump--a self-described "germaphobe"--is bereft of (A) patience, (B) the ability to empathize, and (C) an unwillingness to change his perspective on things, especially life-and-death matters such as Covid19. The result is his weather-vane approach to executive governance, and flagrant disregard for taking a consistent, disciplined coarse of action towards the pandemic.
2. Americans' impatience. We have been, and are, an immature society. Concomitant with our immaturity is impatience and lack of discipline. So, running around half-naked on the beach, slurping up beers and other alcoholic libations, and packing together so closely that canned sardines would be envious (all justified by the talismanic use of the word "freedom"), are tantamount to America showing the rest of the world "how great we are." Of course, the rest of the world views us as undisciplined, self-absorbed cretins without an ounce of sense left to our names.
3. Lack of government-business partnerships that could save, indeed, boost, our economy. We admire capitalism--a predatory economic system that we think produces maximum good for society--without considering its disastrous effects on the physical, economic, social, political, and spiritual environments. Conversely, if we had the moral inputs from, say, decent government leaders, coupled with the fiscal and organizational discipline of decent business leaders, we might be able to work up some interesting and financially-powerful programs involving the environment, converting from fossil fuels to alternative energy; infrastructure; transportation; communications; health care; and the like. These programs, according to a number of well-respected studies, could easily employ 40 to 60 million people throughout the U.S. and make us a much better place in which to live.
We could continue to live with our heads buried in the sand---and get drowned by the rising sea levels.